Create specific offers for your summit

Create specific offers for your summit, including all access passes, anchor tiers, and multiple pricing options.  Want more than one pricing tier? No problem.  Create an offer and with one click, add it to the specific tier you desire.  Creating a profitable summit has never been easier.

Keep Your Summit Live Forever

A common mistake summit hosts make is not using their summit after it ends.  We revolutionized how virtual summits are used in 2018 when we introduce our proprietary technology called the “Ever-Summit” Feature.  This special feature is only offered by Virtual Summits Software and allows you to continue to run your summit as if it were still happening forever.  Hence: Ever-Summit (Forever Summit).  

Your summit can now be used on going forever as a resource to continue to build your audience long after the original running of your summit has ended. 


This revolutionary feature allows you with one click of a button to take your past summit (or any old summits you have sitting around) and turn it into an ongoing powerful resource to continue to build your audience. 

Just In Time Feature

This revolutionary feature allows you with one click of a button to take your past summit (or any old summits you have sitting around) and turn it into an ongoing powerful resource to continue to build your audience. 
