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There are 5 stages during the lifecycle of a summit. There is the “Draft” which means your summit is still being worked on, and the Landing Page has not been published.
Once the landing page is published your summit becomes “Published”, which simply means that you can now share/promote the summit and that the landing page is active link is active. This means that people can begin to register for your summit and you will start to build your attendee list.
Once your summit reaches the actual date of the summit it will become “Live”. This means the summit is open and active. During this period attendees will get notifications, and the summit presentations will unlock automatically during the designated dates of the summit.
Now once the summit has ended it immediately goes into Evergreen status. During this stage, the summit presentations will be locked, and the landing page will be expired, telling people that the summit has ended. The bonuses will be locked and the presentations will be locked. Any attendees who have purchased an upgraded membership with lifetime access to the presentations will continue to have access to those presentations, and bonuses. Essentially the summit is has ended, and everything is over. Your summit at this point is now a product that can be sold but does not allow for ongoing lead generation.
The Ever-Summit feature is one of the most powerful and revolutionary functions that have ever been created. It is the next stage of summit evolution. While Evergreen summits allows for ongoing profits to be made, Ever-Summits allow for on going lead generation plus profits by automating the summit to appear “Live” forever.
This means that after the summit ends, it will appear to new visitors as if it is still getting ready to go live, and will still allow for new registrants. Based on your choice of weekly, twice a month, or once a month, the summit will be displayed that it is going live on the appropriate date, and will function exactly as if it were still in “published” stage.
The importance of this feature is how it allows this to happen. Without changing any status or action for the previous attendees, new attendees are tracked and delivered the summit on the “new” dates as if it were live, taking it through the unlocking of each day and session on the appropriate dates, then immediately locking them down for anyone who has not upgraded just like during the live summit.
This allows you the power to continue to bring new leads into your summit on going forever, and to generate sales off of those new leads.
Your summit can only become an “Ever-Summit” once the summit has ended and it has entered the “Evergreen” stage. Once it ends a new section will appear in the “SUMMIT INFO” section of the “Summit Essentials”. It will be located below the “HOST” section. When you activate the Ever-Summit status it will become a “renewed” summit bringing in new leads and making new sales.
It’s that simple. Your Ever-Summit will become the biggest lead-generating machine you have ever known. It will become a lead-creating monster delivering you with leads month after month.
This allows you to focus on what you are great at. Helping those customers get results. If you want to know more about the power of Ever-Summits check out this article: “The Power Of An Ever-Summit” so you can start creating your Ever-Summit Strategy.
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Virtual Summits™ handles all the heavy lifting and gives you everything you need to host your very own virtual summit.