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Now the software will make all the icky tech part a non-issue, but there is more to a successful summit than just the platform. You need to put a little time and preparation into making your summit a success. I would like to offer you some help if you are ok with it. If not feel free to just jump into the software and rock it out!!
I break it down into 5 parts:
Let’s focus on the first and most important part. “Research”
For today we should start with:
First off you really want to do a summit you are passionate about. Don’t just pick a theme because it sounds appealing or you think it will be successful. Truly pick something you enjoy, you have some knowledge in, and most importantly something you want to be the authority in. This is how you decide your theme.
The title should be catchy and interesting. You want it to grab the viewer’s attention.
You should do a little research when creating your summit. Get a good idea what other summits are out there similar to your topic. Then decide how will yours be different? How will it be better?
Pick a date that works for you. My recommendation would be about 3 – 4 months out. Of course you can do it quicker than that if you want, but this gives you a little breathing room.
What goals do you have for the summit? How many speakers? How much profit? How many leads? Good way to figure this out is to divide your goal by whatever the lowest price you will charge for your “upgrade” membership level, then multiply it by 25. This will give you your goal for total leads. Watch:
$10,000 profit / $50 upgrade = 200 sales needed x 25 = 5,000 leads.
Again this is very conservative, at about 4% conversion rate, but if it’s your first summit it will be a good starting point.
Ok, this is a good start for today!! Get busy determining your Theme, Title, and goals. I’ll touch base soon with some more insights!!
Mark, I've followed 3 other prominent people who teach summits and you're easily the best. I've learned from you this last week than I have following those other guys for over a yeat.
Using Mark Wade software for our 1st virtual masterclass! Love it! What I love even more is helping being great education to people helping them grow! Love promotions!
Launching my virtual summit today! and my CRM helper was only available at the same time as Dr. Mark's session! The software is brilliant. Thank you to Dr. Mark and the team!
LOVE the Virtual Summit Training. Very comprehensive and really helping me understand how to use it. My biggest strength is being organized, getting speakers and doing stellar interviews. My ONE weak spot is tech stuff! Mark's training is taking the fear out! YAY!
Virtual Summits™ handles all the heavy lifting and gives you everything you need to host your very own virtual summit.